Saturday, November 3, 2012


so I started this blog to kinda "live-blog" the creation of my latest book 'Polyester Paradigm'

but, quite obviously.. that's not how its gone down, at all.  This has become its own little monster, it's own little project, and I think what I like the most about Polyester is just how "grown-up".. or "mature" it is.  I've broken away from the Bastard format, and the whole Mark Twain thing, and just really tried to push myself, and re-invent how I write, how I describe things, and in the same message... deliver my note.  It's really juist a statement of being, or mindset, and half how I see myself.. both now, and in the future.. and in case the future never comes, I have something that opens a window to how the world should be perceived... without fear, without hunger, without needs.. a sort of shared experience, and beginning from what life means to the peace of death.. I think Paradigm could very well open up new doors for me, and my readers.. in their own creative life, and in their own goals.. painting a sort of hero, and how-to guide for owning and operating a transatlantic company and all the necessities for such.. I think of it as a handbook to technology, death, and prosperity.. not a BOOK like in the biblical sense, but more of a guide.. this monster im taming.  It (just like this blog) is rearing its ugly head, and showing me it's own direction, but like a matador and a bull, intelligence over instinct, im following it -where it leads me.. and this piece I did back in july.. just a representation of an image you might see.. working at PELICAN, developing the software and seeing into the WINDOW... looking at your PRINT, your RIP.. guiding them beyond BLUELIGHT.

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