Thursday, May 17, 2012

5/17 3 (squared) then add 1, & 10+2. Ha

so to be honest with you guys,

   to be truthful to everyone (I guess)  I started this blog initially to kinda...liveblog my next project, or my next book I mean, because a project, or undertaking, or whatever can be trans-media.. it can be a dvd with a 50 page book and CD for one statement, for one story... In a sense, just as LucasArts is doing.  Video games, books, CGI films, etc... Shit like that.  You get it.  Anyways, tonight

tonight I had my first "real" session for my upcoming lit. piece... its going to be at least 300 pages hopefully, story, glossary, pictures, artwork.. I can't say what else exactly, but it's going to be ASSKICKING and EDUCATIONAL..CALCULATED even...and after this, if the language is implemented correctly, YOU will be speaking like a god.  Really.

Looking over the words, over some research.. It's beginning to come together, and it's more than personal now, it's more than just my piece I guess (that's scary) it's now officially it's own ...being.  It's own balance, it's forming rationality.  This is it, i'm starting now, and next year, June... next year we'll read.

Here's to june 2013, and ill try to keep posted until then, but for now.. back to normal programming...     

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Doesnt get older

   I never like anything full in the frame.  It always has to invoke the viewer, or listener, or reader to imagine the rest.  Spoon-feeding, it feels like.  Fuck that.  Try to picture the rest of this image, because I refuse to give the full thing... and music is a must.  Have to be into something, something new I havent heard that much before, to really encapsulate the experience of what im trying to show you, what im getting at, what I "create".

   That first word, or line, or expression of pathos in a collage... It feels as though I'm a surgeon or something,

and that moment after, days later -when I can metaphorically step back, and look at what i've done... When it stands the test of time, and when other people are into it.. nothing replicates the sense of belonging, or purpose, when someone sees a picture you took, of them or their family and cherish the physical rendition of a mental splice.

Here.  Now.  Forever.  Art.

just one of the reasons why I feel the way I do about it, and taking up a trans-media role in the market.  Coming soon.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Next up: New SP release (June)

I really hope, and honestly, im not sure what deep, sentimental location this is coming from, but for the sake of all things holy and pure, sacred and innocent… I’m praying to every cosmic being possible, (passed and present) that “Oceania” does NOT suck.

   Too much rides on this one,

and classically speaking.. historically, -with some added antiquity or whatever, I honestly believe that this challenge of following up some work, (adding to a 44 track concept album, for example) I honestly believe that he’ll pull it through, that he’s had an ace up the sleeve we just havent seen, something we just never thought possible will happen, an upset in the music industry, but it’s tough to say with tracks like “F.O.L.” or “Death from Above”, “Owata” etc.. “the fellowship” was incredible… shit, American Gothicwas solid, and that was from a period AFTER zwan and all that love triangle, D.P. BS.. but really, I think the art will speak for itself as a generational representation of change, and evolution in this digital era of auto-tuned has beens and empty lyrics.. I think at this age, with Paris Hilton left behind in old album art work.. I think it will all come to pass, and upwards will be the climb from here.

   Love comes in colors I can’t deny, all that matters is love. Love your love