Thursday, May 17, 2012

5/17 3 (squared) then add 1, & 10+2. Ha

so to be honest with you guys,

   to be truthful to everyone (I guess)  I started this blog initially to kinda...liveblog my next project, or my next book I mean, because a project, or undertaking, or whatever can be trans-media.. it can be a dvd with a 50 page book and CD for one statement, for one story... In a sense, just as LucasArts is doing.  Video games, books, CGI films, etc... Shit like that.  You get it.  Anyways, tonight

tonight I had my first "real" session for my upcoming lit. piece... its going to be at least 300 pages hopefully, story, glossary, pictures, artwork.. I can't say what else exactly, but it's going to be ASSKICKING and EDUCATIONAL..CALCULATED even...and after this, if the language is implemented correctly, YOU will be speaking like a god.  Really.

Looking over the words, over some research.. It's beginning to come together, and it's more than personal now, it's more than just my piece I guess (that's scary) it's now officially it's own ...being.  It's own balance, it's forming rationality.  This is it, i'm starting now, and next year, June... next year we'll read.

Here's to june 2013, and ill try to keep posted until then, but for now.. back to normal programming...     

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